An introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled “Metodo Gatti 2 Per Tromba Pdf | temp”. I found this great method online, Metodo Gatti 2 per tromba pdf by the author. This is a practicable metodo gatti for trombone players of all levels, it’s really very good - one of the best things that I have seen in a long time! It has good instructions for beginners too. A couple of examples are "The easy way to play with both hands" and "Play whatever you want". The download is just 4.2 MB so you wont have any problem with it being too heavy on your computer. In fact, it should download pretty fast. Its a great way to learn to play the trombone and if you have been looking for a good tutorial, this is perfect for you! The author will teach you how to play a variety of notes with just a few simple techniques, all of which are easy to learn and fun to practice. It's very effective for beginner or intermediate players who want something that’s going to be easy enough for them but challenging enough that they experience improvement in their playing. I would rate this 7 out of 10 stars because there were only a few mistakes in this document, like using weird keys and off-beat rhythms at times. This article is great for anyone who’s looking to improve their trombone playing skills. It’s especially good for beginner or intermediate players. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to learn more about the Trombone, or who needs a little help with their playing. The author covers bends, vibrato, tonguing and just about every basic technique that any trombone player should know how to do at some point or another. It will help you become a better player in no time! This e-book was originally published in Italian by author Roberto De Simone http://www.tutti-bene. com/Metodo_Gatti/Metodo_Gatti.htm It contains a complete method of study, from the basics to the more complex technical passages. Text is in Italian with a long list of suggested English equivalents for most slurs and tonguing patterns. There are also many recordings of the exercises included in the book so you can check your progress. This method is very suitable for quick learning, and it covers all aspects of playing, such as Micro-Tone, Soloistic Articulation and Articulation in Dynamic Playing. [ARTICLE END] http://www.tutti-bene. com/Metodo_Gatti/Metodo_Gatti.htm Ebooks by Roberto De Simone 8eeb4e9f32 50
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